Adobe Flash Player Premium Features for Gaming

Flash Player premium features for gaming enable developers and publishers to deliver stunning web-based games across browsers to over a billion computers—dramatically expanding the market for a new class of social gaming experiences. In addition, Adobe is opening up the Flash Player to a supported third party ecosystem of specialized gaming middleware and development tools, not just those from Adobe. Adobe’s support of these 3rd party developer solutions targeting the Flash Player is enabled by the new tier of premium features.

  • The new tier of premium features provides access to domain memory in combination with hardware-accelerated Stage3D in Flash Player.
  • This combination of APIs enables unprecedented gaming experiences across the web. Together, they allow native game engines that power premiere titles on the most advanced modern console hardware to run directly on the web with no install, consistently across browsers, while reaching the largest possible audience.
  • All other existing Flash Player capabilities are unaffected by the premium features terms. Developers can continue to use all of the other features of Flash Player—which power many of the most successful games on the web today—royalty-free.
  • Developers can use the premium features without charge in apps packaged for iPhone/iPad (iOS), Android, Windows, or Mac OS using Adobe® AIR®.


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IIS tips (1)

IIS7 url里面禁止包含bin的文件夹

网站的url里面包含bin文件夹的路径无法访问,错误如下显示 :

HTTP 错误 404.8 – Not Found

请求筛选模块被配置为拒绝包含 hiddenSegment 节的 URL 中的路径。

为 Web 服务器配置了请求筛选,它包含 hiddenSegments 节,允许服务器管理员拒绝对特定目录的访问。
确认 applicationhost.config 或 web.config 文件中的 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/hiddenSegments 设置。
这是一项安全功能。请不要更改此功能,除非您完全清楚更改的影响范围。如果需要从被此设置拒绝的某个特定目录提供内容,请从 configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/hiddenSegments 中删除被拒绝的目录。
查看更多信息 »


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Ubuntu tips (1)


首先安装smbfs:apt-get install smbfs


labuser@ubuntu10-04:~$ sudo smbmount //orc-fs/Flash” “Runtime/ /home/labuser/Desktop/orc-fs -o user=username,pass=password,iocharset=utf8,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777


网络主机的主机名: orc-fs

网络主机的使用者名称: username

网络主机的登录密码: password

分享中的目录名称: Flash Runtime

主机上要挂载的目录: /home/labuser/Desktop/orc-fs


sudo umount /home/labuser/Desktop/orc-fs UTF8[……]

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Mysql data export & import


Got error: 1044: Access denied for user … when using LOCK TABLES

那可能是你用来备份的数据库用户没有lock table的权限,可以换一个权限更高的用户,或者使用mysqldump的另一个选项:–single-transaction 或者加上 –skip-lock-tables

mysqldump -uyourusername -pyourpassword –single-transaction yourdb > yourdb.sql

mysqldump -uyourusername -pyourpassword –skip-lock-tables yourdb > yourdb.sql


mysqldump -u root -p –no-create-db –complete-insert –compatible=mssql –default-character-set=utf8 –skip-opt –compact –extended-insert=false dbname tablename|sed "s/\\\’/”/g">tablename.sql


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